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We are divided over how to handle gun rights in this country. Half the country wants all guns turned in, and the other half want to keep what is rightfully theirs. School shootings and other mass casualty scenarios involving guns further divides us and doesn't look towards a more common sense approach to how we can be safe, and not trample on the Second Amendment. We can find common ground if both sides will listen to the other.
An introduction for who we are, what we are trying to do, and how we think we can get there.
The first and most important change we think this country needs.
The election cycle seems to be never ending, and the money in elections is crazy. How do we fix it? Here are some ideas...
A quick look at how our government has failed us in controlling our spending. It is time to demand more from our government leaders and get us out of the long term debt crisis.
Our tax code is way too complicated, and offers too many loopholes to be exploited. We need to also look at some not-for-profit entities and consider changing how we treat them.
Our current tax code is unfair, has loopholes exploited by corporations and the 1%. We need to revamp and simplify our tax code to bring equity and fairness to everyone while encouraging businesses to thrive.
The current way our corporate enterprises behave have been largely affected by the change in public investing. We need to encourage our largest corporations to shift back to focusing on their employees and corporate innovation to truly strengthen our economy and increase stock prices.
We are living in highly divisive times in the Unites States. This has led to various forms of domestic terrorism, and our foreign policy is adding to international terrorism against the USA and our allies. We need to take a look at what we are doing, and quickly change to bring back the peace our country, and the world deserves.
We have spent decades acting as the "World Police." We have overstepped, trampled, and interfered in places we don't need to be. We need to rethink how we operate and refocus on domestic issues.
We have had a significant challenge with immigration, both legal and illegal lately. We need to find a way forward that acknowledges those that are already here, and encourages those who are not who wish to come to do so legally. Rewarding illegal immigrants with "free passes" not only disregards our laws, but is a slap in the face to those who did so legally. It is time to correct the processes.